Social Development

Working to eradicate poverty
instead of managing it

Kitsumkalum Social Development provides financial support to eligible adults and dependents living on-reserve who are unable to meet their basic needs.

The following programs are delivered on-reserve:

  • Basic Needs
  • Training Employment Support
  • Special Needs
  • Family Violence Prevention
  • Guardian Financial Assistance
  • Community Support Services
  • Adult In-Home Care
  • National Child Benefit Reinvestment
  • Employment Initiatives, and
  • Community Preventative Services

Programs & Services offered

The Kitsumkalum Social Development Program provides financial support to eligible adults and dependents living on-reserve who are unable to meet their basic needs.

The broad objectives of the Kitsumkalum Social Development Program are:

  • To assist persons living on reserve in maintaining a basic standard of living
  • To prevent dependency by developing individual and family strengths
  • To assist recipients to access services that will enhance their ability to assume primary responsibility for their own affairs

The Kitsumkalum Social Development Program is governed by various Government of Canada authorities.

Links & Resources

Northwest Inter-Nation Family and Community Services Society

Northwest Intern-Nation Family and Community Services Society (NIFCS) manages custody and guardianship for children who have been permanently removed from their homes.  They deliver this service to 9 First Nation communities including Kitsumkalum.

The information sheets below provide information on the various programs available to families and others who are trying to help children who have been apprehended by the Ministry and are in permanent care.

Questions regarding these programs or other items related to their services can be directed to the NIFCS office in Terrace at 250-638-0451 or Toll Free 1-888-310-3311.

More information regarding this organization can also be found on their website: .


Extended Family Program (EFP)

54.1 Custody

Child Out of Parental Home (COPH)


Not Everyone is Eligible for CERB

Not everyone is eligible for CERB and MAY have to repay benefits at a later date through other Government of Canada benefits  such as Income Tax Refund, GST, etc. It is your responsibility to review the eligibility criteria online as you apply. Please review the...

COVID-19 Pandemic – Update – Community and Workplace Measures

COVID-19 Pandemic – Update – Community and Workplace Measures

March 18, 2020 What is happening in BC and why we say PLEASE AVOID HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES: The BC Centre for Disease Control Case Count and Press Statement for March 17, 2020 states that: 186 confirmed cases in British Columbia as of 3 pm March 17, 2020 • Five recovered...

POSTPONED Kitsumkalum Annual General Meeting NOVEMBER 15, 16, 17

POSTPONED Kitsumkalum Annual General Meeting NOVEMBER 15, 16, 17

The Kitsumkalum AGM scheduled for November 15,16, 17 is POSTPONED until further notice.

2018 Annual General Meeting held in November

2018 Annual General Meeting held in November

Stay tuned to our website for details on Kitsumkalum's 2018 AGM. >> Download the 2018 AGM Agenda << If you would like to receive a presentation from the AGM, please call 1-877-635-6177

Contact Info –  Social Department

Shirley Bolan

 250-635-6177 ext. 103