Housing & Property Maintenance

Working towards safe, sustainable
and affordable housing

It is the intention of the Housing & Property Maintenance Department and the Housing Committee to accommodate the housing needs of Kitsumkalum members. This includes providing the infrastructure, adding new houses, and managing rental accommodation.

Kitsumkalums’ Housing Department manages social housing units and band-owned rental units and rent to own units. The Housing Department also secures funding for new houses, repairs and renovations; managing sub-division home construction; and meeting reporting requirements for Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).

Housing Applications
And Tips for Home Care & Paying Rent

Housing Application

Apply for a House On-Reserve: Kitsumkalum IR1

Housing Policy

View Kitsumkalum Housing Policy – Adopted December 2014

Maintenance and Repairs

Apply for Maintenance and Repairs to your House (for those still paying band-owned rent/mortgages)

Apply for CMHC Assistance with Repairs (for those with band-owned mortgages paid off)


Apply for CMHC Assistance with Making a Home More Accessible for Elders

Kitsumkalum Housing Department offers assistance in applying to CMHC’s HASI Program. If you own your home and are 65 and over you may qualify for up to $3500.00 in renovations to improve mobility and accessibility in your home.

Ministerial Loan Guarantee

Chief and Council may consider to approve a ministerial guarantee to assist members with financing for house construction or renovations on reserve.

Importance of Paying Your Rent

One of your most important obligations as a tenant is to pay your full rent on time. Your tenancy agreement should establish the amount of rent, when rent is due, and what forms of payment are accepted. You are still required to pay rent on time even if the day it is due falls on a holiday or your bank is closed.

When to Pay Rent

There should be a section in your tenancy agreement about when you are expected to pay rent. Your full rent must be paid on or before the date it is due (usually the 1st of the month), and you are required to pay rent on that day even if your bank is closed. Be sure to plan ahead.

How to Pay Rent

Tenants and landlords usually arrange for rent to be paid by cash, cheque, or direct deposit. If you pay by cash, your landlord has a legal obligation to give you dated receipts. If you have not been provided with receipts in the past, you can ask for them by sending your landlord a letter.

Problems Paying Rent

When you know that you will be unable to pay your full rent on time, communicate with your landlord as soon as possible. If you are unable to pay your rent on time due to an unexpected situation, your landlord may agree to let you pay your rent late. If your landlord does agree, make sure to get their permission in writing.

You can also try requesting a short term loan from a friend, family member. If this is not possible, there may be ways to prioritize your rental payment. TV, telephone or internet providers are unlikely to shut off your service for one late payment. As a result, it may be best to prioritize your rent over other bills.

From Kitsumkalum Housing Policy, Section 12.1.4

If the tenant fails to pay the arrears in full or fails to meet with the housing department staff and make a written agreement to repay the arrears by the end of the 10-day period, the following actions for non-payment of rent will be taken immediately:

a) Rental arrears will be reported to the credit bureau;
b) The tenant may be denied repairs/renovations (other than those required to meet health and safety standards; and
c) As a last resort, steps will be taken to carry out an eviction.


Learn Tips About Money and Finances


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Links & Resources Updated Weekly

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Contact Info

Kitsumkalum Housing & Property Maintenance
| 250-635-6177 ext.110