Health Centre

Kitsumkalum Health strives to improve the health & wellness of Kitsumkalum membership

Health care programs are funded by First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), and long-term care services are funded by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). Funding for other programs and services comes from grants.

Programs & Services offered

Non-Insured Health Benefits:  Medical Patient Transportation

Providing local and out of town transportation to eligible First Nations.

Kitsumkalum Health Centre provides public transportation for community members to attend medical appointments.

Kitsumkalum Health Centre administers the Medical Transportation Program for First Nations Health Authority.

This Program is administered according to Health Benefits guidelines.

For more information call Kitsumkalum Health:
Toll Free: 1-844-869-5993 | Phone: 250-635-6172

Prince Rupert Patient Travel: 1-888-624-5504 | Fax: 250-622-2893

Links & Resources

First Nations Health Authority

Health Canada – First Nations Inuit Health

Ministry of Health Services

BC Centre for Disease Control

BC Drug & Poison Information Centre

College of Physicians & Surgeons of BC – Find A Physician Accepting New Patients

Health Canada – Diabetes

Health Canada – Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)

Health Link BC – Non-emergency Health Information & Services



If you test positive for COVID-19

If you test positive for COVID-19: Self-isolate for 5 days. Other members of your household need to self-monitor FNHA can assist you with support. Call 1-888-305-1505 Kitsumkalum Health Centre has rapid test kits for COVID-19. Please call to make an appointment if you...

Kitsumkalum Hall is Closed to Events

Kitsumkalum Community Hall is closed to events until further notice. Kitsumkalum is following Provincial Health Orders that are set in place until February 16th, 2022. Public Healther Orders concerning indoor organized gatherings: Indoor organized gatherings of any...

COVID-19 Cases in Kitsumkalum

COVID-19 Cases in Kitsumkalum There are positive COVID-19 Omicron cases in Kitsumkalum and exposures have occured in some buildings in the community. Kitsumkalum has taken great steps to reduce the case count as much as possible, and continues to do so among all...

Health Warnings & Events

FNHA Advises Communities to Prepare for Possible Spread of Coronavirus

FNHA Advises Communities to Prepare for Possible Spread of Coronavirus

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Contact Info

Kitsumkalum Health Centre

250-635-6172    Fax: 250-635-6182    Toll Free: 1-844-869-5993

Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Closed 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm


Terrace Health Unit …………………..250-631-4200

Park Avenue Medical Clinic …………250-615-5040   Fax: 250-638-2342

Mills Memorial Hospital …………….250-635-2211    Fax: 250-635-7639

Prince Rupert Regional Hospital …..250-624-2171   Fax: 250-624-2195

Terrace Aquatic Centre ……………….250-615-3033    Fax: 250-615-3013

Terrace Sportsplex …………………….250-615-3000   Fax: 250-615-3010

Patient Travel

Prince Rupert Patient Travel: 1-888-624-5504    Fax: 250-622-2893

Health Benefits

FNHA Health Benefits: 1-855-550-5454