Departments and programs
Environment & Referral
Mitigation of Impacts from Industrial Activity & Building Partnerships

Kitsumkalum Land and Referral staff work hard to protect Kitsumkalum interests across the Consultative Area. Our team consists of a mix of professional and technical staff, consultants and assistants. We look at a variety of issues from all of the proponents and developments on crown land within our Consultative Area.
We rely on community feedback to make informed decisions. We hope that if you have specific concerns, you take the time to arrange a meeting with us so that we can address your concerns, or if it is a smaller issue, just drop on by the economic development building to have a chat with us. We can’t protect interests that we do not know exist. We believe in protecting our environment, Kitsumkalum interests, as well as fish and wildlife for our future generations.
As part of consultation and accommodation with government and industry we need to ensure that impacts generated by industrial development are being addressed in a systematic way that minimizes risks and maximizes benefits to our Nation. We are stewards of the land and its people and, hence, protocol agreements and/ or partnerships with private companies need to allow for our participation in project planning.
Kitsumkalum Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Q&A
Kitsumkalum band members are encouraged to ask questions regarding band involvement in LNG projects. Please note that after submitting a question we will do our best at applying within 7 business days of receiving the question, we thank you for your patience and participation in information sharing.
Below are some of the common questions asked during and after the meeting by members. We have tried to categorize the questions into four groups: Environmental and Permitting, Social, Economic, and Culture & Community.
Although some of the questions span more than one category, we feel that this would be easiest for everyone to review. Staff are in the process of setting up a question and answer online forum for members, where members can ask questions in regards to LNG in our territory and staff will do their best to respond.
Environmental and Permitting Q&A
What have been the results of the Environmental and regulatory assessments?
Our staff have been working with provincial and federal government to get Kitsumkalum’s concerns addressed. We have been working with other Tsimshian bands to ensure environmental issues are not missed and sharing resources where appropriate. It has been a back and forth effort with proponents. The proponent provides information, we review it, look for inconsistencies or missing data and request them to clarify or collect more. Although complicated, the process is generally working well.
What stages are the projects at?
All of the LNG projects in the Prince Rupert/Kitimat area are at varying levels of permitting and investigation at the moment. Some are at the beginning of feasibility, while others are awaiting the approvals to proceed and final investment decision from their respective companies. This was generally covered at the community meeting but if you have specific questions regarding specific projects please contact Rina Gemeinhardt.
If we sign an IBA agreement are we still a part of the environmental effort?
YES! Kitsumkalum will continue to review environmental concerns and activities throughout the life of the project. This ranges from on the ground monitoring, direct employment, to referral reviews as conditions change. In addition to the environmental certificates, there are many conditions for monitoring and compliance attached to the project and its permits. If the IBA is signed, Kitsumkalum will continue working to protect the environment and Kitsumkalum environmental interests. Any agreement that Kitsumkalum makes are in addition to existing rules and regulations. The proponent will still be required to follow all the applicable environmental rules.
Where can we find the Latest Environmental Assessment Conditions regarding PNW Patronas?
View latest Environmental Assessment Conditions on these websites:
Has the Flora Banks issue been resolved?
The proponent has performed extensive research regarding life and stability surrounding flora banks. DFO, CEAA, Kitsumkalum, and other first nations still have conditions regarding works in that area. The Proponent has been very active in trying to address these issues as they arise. We have been working with Government and the proponent to understand and mitigate issues surrounding Lelu. There are still unresolved issues that the proponent is working to address.
LNG Q&A: Social
What kind of local hiring and local training is being provided, and how do I find out more?
Multiple opportunities have been provided and will continue to be provided. Some training that has occurred so far has been, environmental monitoring programs, first aid, drivers licenses, WHIMIS and H2S. Jobs in coordination, environment, lands and monitoring have already begun. To find out what opportunities are available, please contact Laura Miller at 250-635-6177.
Are there real, long term jobs for regular people? (not engineers and specialists)
There will be a range of positions available. If the projects move ahead the majority of direct positions with LNG will be in the trades. There will likely be many positions in the service industry. Pursuing skills training and education as soon as possible will greatly improve job opportunities for members.
What happens if none of the projects proceed?
If Kitsumkalum has signed agreements which include an upfront signing bonus, Kitsumkalum keeps those monies. If the project does not proceed then there will be none of the proposed impacts and thus the Impact Benefit Agreement will not apply. There would be no additional funding or social programs such as training provided to Kitsumkalum from the proponent.
LNG Q&A: Economic
Has the price of oil affected the projects will to proceed?
Although the decrease in oil price seemed to make the projects more cautious on their financial spending, all of the Prince Rupert projects have stated that currently oil price is not the main driving force.
What kind, if any, Contracts will be available to smaller companies?
Kitsumkalum has been negotiating procurement contracts and possibilities. Although small companies will likely not be able to work directly for the proponent, there will be many subcontracting opportunities as sub-contractors and service providers.
If an IBA is signed and once IBA money comes in, how will it be managed? Who will have access to that money and how will decisions regarding that money be made?
Portions of the IBA money will be earmarked for specific programs and projects within Kitsumkalum. General IBA funding will be through the band.
If an IBA is signed, will there be direct compensation to Band Members?
Signing an IBA provides an avenue for members to benefit in the form of training opportunities, improved infrastructure and elevation of our people. Monies from the IBA will be invested in the community for long term Kitsumkalum gains. IBA’s do not allow the direct granting of money to individual band members.
LNG Q&A: Culture & Community
If we sign the IBA and the predicted impacts to our aboriginal Rights and Title are larger than initially thought, Is there any action we can take?
In the event that unforeseen impacts affect Kitsumkalum. There is a section in the IBA to deal with the issue and open it to discussion.
Will the final agreement with a proponent be brought before the membership to be voted on before signing?
Kitsumkalum Leadership and the Negotiating team has been given a mandate to negotiate on behalf of Kitsumkalum (available on the Kitsumkalum web page). In addition, the team is constrained by extremely tight timelines which will not allow the time necessary for a vote. More community meetings are anticipated to keep members informed. Members are encouraged to bring forward concerns and ideas so that staff can try to address issues as much as feasible.
Have any other bands signed agreements?
Yes. Various bands have signed agreements regarding LNG with the Government and Industry. Kitsumkalum has not yet signed.
Job safety and security are of concern. How can Kitsumkalum ensure our people stay safe on these job sites?
The new LNG facilities are proposing very high standards of safety and security. This is not like the old days of logging. Safety infractions are the quickest way to be removed from a job site and lose your job. Security on the plant site will also be high, the exact implementation at this time is unknown but in discussions with proponents, both of these issues are taken extremely seriously!
Links & Resources
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Kitsumkalum Fish & Wildlife Enforcement
by KKCommunications | May 6, 2020 | News, Natural Resources, Downloads, FAQs, Fish & Wildlife, Community Notice, Public Notice, Community, News Feed
Kitsumkalum Fish & Wildlife Enforcement [button id="" style="filled-small" class="" align="" link="" linkTarget="_self" bgColor="accent1" hover_color="accent1" font="24" icon=""...
Youth Oolichan Dipping March 10th 2020
by KKCommunications | Mar 4, 2020 | News, Events, Education, Health, Natural Resources, Culture, Youth, Elders, Fish & Wildlife, Community Notice, Opportunity, Family, Students, Community, NIFCS, News Feed, Calendar
Kitsumkalum Youth Oolichan Dipping - Tuesday, March 10th, 2020
POSTPONED Kitsumkalum Annual General Meeting NOVEMBER 15, 16, 17
by KKCommunications | Sep 20, 2019 | News, Jobs & Opportunities, Events, Treaty, Events Committee, Education, Economic Development, Health, Social Development, Training Opportunities, Band Membership, Housing, Heritage, Natural Resources, Finance, Treaty Negotiations, Strength of Claim, Community Meetings, FAQs, Culture, Youth, Community Dinner, Elders, Lunch, Kitsumkalum Training & Education, Fish & Wildlife, Community Notice, Gila Kyew Nluuk Headstart & Daycare, Opportunity, Public Notice, Art, Contest, Land Code, Social History & Research, Major Projects, Land Use Plan, Family, Tempo, Community, Lands Department, Books, Prizes, News Feed, Kalum Rock Quarry, Calendar, Entertainment, Feast
The Kitsumkalum AGM scheduled for November 15,16, 17 is POSTPONED until further notice.
Skeena River Two Day Tabletop Exercise & Drill
by KKB | Aug 29, 2019 | News, Events, Economic Development, Band Membership, Natural Resources, Referrals, Fish & Wildlife, Community Notice, Public Notice, Major Projects, Community, Calendar
Public Notice & Reminder. Notice of event first posted: July 28, 2019 Link:
RE-OPEN – FSC Sockeye Fishery in the Skeena River AUGUST 2019
by KKCommunications | Aug 9, 2019 | News, Band Membership, Natural Resources, Downloads, FAQs, Fish & Wildlife, Community Notice, Public Notice, Community, News Feed
RE-OPEN - Food, Social and Ceremonial Sockeye Fishery in the Skeena River
Kitsumakalum Lends Help at the Big Bar Landslide on the Fraser River
by KKCommunications | Aug 7, 2019 | News, Natural Resources, Fish & Wildlife, Community Notice, Public Notice, Major Projects, Community, News Feed
A senior fish technician from Kitsumkalum Fish and Wildlife, along with two of Kitsumkalum's Fishwheels will be on site at the Big Bar Landslide on the Fraser River lending a hand to capture migrating salmon to be helicoptered around the slide. Kitsumkalum is one of...
Skeena River Two Day Tabletop Exercise & Drill
by KKB | Jul 18, 2019 | News, Events, Economic Development, Band Membership, Natural Resources, Referrals, Fish & Wildlife, Community Notice, Public Notice, Major Projects, Community, Calendar
Job Opportunity Creel Crew Lead and Surveyors
by KKCommunications | Mar 11, 2019 | News, Jobs & Opportunities, Natural Resources, Kitsumkalum Training & Education, Community Notice, Opportunity, Public Notice, Community, News Feed
The closing date for this employment opportunity is March 29th at 4:00 pm. [button id="" style="filled-small" class="" align="" link="" linkTarget="_self" bgColor="accent1"...
2018 Major Projects Updates
by KKB | Nov 24, 2018 | News, Economic Development, Natural Resources, Community Meetings, Downloads, Community Notice, Public Notice, Major Projects, LNG
Download document: [button id="" style="filled-small" class="" align="center" link=""...
Photo Contest – First Nation Fisheries Council of BC
by KKCommunications | Aug 16, 2018 | News, Natural Resources, Culture, Fish & Wildlife, Community Notice, Opportunity, Public Notice, Contest, Community, Prizes, News Feed, Calendar
[button id="" style="filled-small" class="" align="" link="" linkTarget="_self" bgColor="accent2" hover_color="accent5" font="24" icon="" icon_placement="left"...
Contact Info
| 250-635-5000
Chief Councillor, Treaty Lands Negotiator, Comprehensive Treaty Negotiations Team
| 250-635-5000 Ext 111
Consultation and Referrals
| 250-635-5000 Ext 6
Referrals Consultant
| 250-635-5000 Ext 107