Emergency Management

by | Jun 16, 2022

Our Mission Statement

Kitsumkalum Emergency Management Department is committed to bringing safety and stability to emergency incidents within Kitsumkalum community through care and compassion.

Joel Brousson

Emergency Program Coordinator

Kitsumkalum Band

Terrace, B.C.

P: 250.631.9511   E: jbrousson @ kitsumkalum.com

Desire to Serve, Ability to Perform, Courage to Act

Emergency Management News & Postings



January 2, 2021   The New Year is upon us, we send well wishes to all our members. With COVID-19 numbers increasing fast in the neighbouring communities, it’s a fact that we have confirmed cases in the surrounding area. We have possible exposures in our community...

Kitsumkalum Business Closures Due to COVID-19 in Neighbouring Communities

Kitsumkalum Business Closures Due to COVID-19 in Neighbouring Communities

December 31, 2020 Re: Business Closures due to COVID-19 in Neighbouring Communities Kitsumkalum Leadership and Emergency Response Team have given the direction to close the House of Sim-oi-Ghets Gift Store and Kitsumkalum Tempo Gas bar for two weeks due to the rapid...

New Canada Recovery Benefits – What to Expect

·       New Canada Recovery Benefits – What to Expect ·       Answers to your questions on paying back the Canada Emergency Response Benefit Additional Links: ·       The Government of Canada launches applications for the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit and the...

Health Alert – COVID-19 exposure in the Nass Valley August 17th to 28th

Health Alert – COVID-19 exposure in the Nass Valley August 17th to 28th

Kitsumkalum residents who attended services for the late Dr. Joe Gosnell please call Kitsumkalum Health 250-635-6172 and self-isolate All Kitsumkalum members, and those non-members living within Kitsumkalum, who attended events related to the funeral of Dr. Joseph...

Job Posting – Kitsumkalum Emergency Program Coordinator May 2020

Job Posting – Kitsumkalum Emergency Program Coordinator May 2020

[button id="" style="filled-small" class="" align="" link="https://kitsumkalum.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/JobPosting-MAY-2020-Kitsumkalum-EPC-V2.pdf" linkTarget="_self" bgColor="accent1" hover_color="accent1" font="24" icon="" icon_placement="left"...

Kitsumkalum Emergency Programs Update – May 15th

Kitsumkalum Emergency Programs Update – May 15th

Good afternoon all, The recently announced staged plan to re-open the Province is a welcome sign that BC is slowly winning the fight against Covid-19; however, we are not in the clear yet and must remain diligent to prevent a second wave of infections in BC. The plan...