Emergency Management

Our Mission Statement
Kitsumkalum Emergency Management Department is committed to bringing safety and stability to emergency incidents within Kitsumkalum community through care and compassion.
Liam Nutma
Emergency Program Coordinator
Kitsumkalum Band
Terrace, B.C.
P: 250.631.9511 E: lnutma @ kitsumkalum.com
Desire to Serve, Ability to Perform, Courage to Act
Emergency Management News & Postings
May 15, 2023 Hello Kitsumkalum Community, As of today, Kitsumkalum emergency management department has activated an Emergency Operation Center level 1 (EOC level 1) for Kitsumkalum community. Our emergency management team will be closely working with...
Emergency Preparedness Week May 7-13, 2023
Emergency preparedness week is May 7-13, 2023. Below is a brief description of the differences between an evacuation alert and evacuation order. As many of you are looking forward to the heat this coming weekend/week, I want to ensure we are all on the same...
Reminder to be mindful of the changing river conditions and safety precautions. Rivers have been steadily rising over the past week due to snowmelt from the recent warm weather and smaller creeks in the region have reached 2-year return flows. Quicker rises may occur...
Outdoor Fire Guidelines
Effective Date: April 1, 2023An outdoor fire can quickly turn into a high-risk activity if things get out of control. For this reason, the Kitsumkalum Emergency Management Department has set rules to ensure the safety and protection of the Kitsumkalum community.Use...
Fire Smart Project: Scrap Metal Bin 2023
For further information please contact Joel Brousson at jbrousson@kitsumkalum.comDoor to door posters will be delivered next week as a friendly reminder for those off social media. Feel free to spread the word! The metal bin has been delivered already to the public...
FireSmart: Vehicle Salvage Opportunity
As part of FireSmart in 2023, the Emergency Management Department in Kitsumkalum is ensuring anything that can attract the risk of fire to your property is safely removed. If you have a vehicle that needs to be salvaged, please email me directly. What I need from you...