Emergency Programs Update – May 1, 2020

Emergency Programs Update – May 1, 2020

Dear Kitsumkalum community, I am pleased to report that in the 6 weeks since BC declared a State of Emergency, we have successfully answered the Chief Medical Officers’ call to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The number of new cases in BC is leveling off and the rate...

Links & Resources Updated Weekly

Health Organizations: First Nations Health Authority: www.fnha.ca World Health Organization: www.who.int Northern Health: www.northernhealth.ca HealthLink BC: www.healthlinkbc.ca Canadian Government: www.canada.ca BC Provincial Health Services Authority: www.bccdc.ca...
Be Bear Aware

Be Bear Aware

Household Upkeep and Waste Management How can you help ensure bears don’t get habituated to our residential areas? • Keep organics in a secure organics bin. Store in an enclosed and secure area until collection day. Keep garbage bins free of organics. • Bring your...

Assistance Payment for Kitsumkalum Households April 2020

Assistance Payment for Kitsumkalum Households Off and On Reserve https://kitsumkalum.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/V4-Member-Assistance-KALUM-April-2020.pdf https://kitsumkalum.com/37501-2/