Emergency Programs Weekly Update – Flood and Wildfire Season & Global Pandemic

Emergency Programs Weekly Update – Flood and Wildfire Season & Global Pandemic

April 17, 2020 While the majority of our efforts are focused on the global Pandemic, and planning various supports for the community, we are simultaneously entering flood and wildfire seasons. Thankfully the flood risk in the Skeena region is low to moderate this year...
Emergency Programs Weekly Update – Flood and Wildfire Season & Global Pandemic

COVID-19 Pandemic – Update – Community and Workplace Measures

March 18, 2020 What is happening in BC and why we say PLEASE AVOID HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES: The BC Centre for Disease Control Case Count and Press Statement for March 17, 2020 states that: 186 confirmed cases in British Columbia as of 3 pm March 17, 2020 • Five recovered...