by KKB | Mar 19, 2020 | News, Health, Band Membership, Youth, Community Notice, Public Notice, Family, Community, News Feed, 'Na Aksa Gyilak'yoo School
Ama Sah NAGK Parents and Students, ‘Na Aksa Gyilak’yoo School, like other Independent Schools in BC, will be closing their doors indefinitely as stated by the Minister of Education, Rob Fleming. This means that we will not be doing face to face instruction as of March...
by KKCommunications | Mar 18, 2020 | News, Events, Treaty, Events Committee, Education, Economic Development, Health, Social Development, Band Membership, Housing, Finance, Downloads, FAQs, Youth, Elders, Urgent, Kitsumkalum Training & Education, Fish & Wildlife, Community Notice, Gila Kyew Nluuk Headstart & Daycare, Public Notice, Family, Tempo, Community, Newsletter, News Feed, Haelth Warning
March 18, 2020 What is happening in BC and why we say PLEASE AVOID HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES: The BC Centre for Disease Control Case Count and Press Statement for March 17, 2020 states that: 186 confirmed cases in British Columbia as of 3 pm March 17, 2020 • Five recovered...
by KKCommunications | Mar 16, 2020 | News, Events, Education, Health, Band Membership, Downloads, FAQs, Elders, Urgent, Community Notice, Public Notice, Family, Community, Newsletter, News Feed, Haelth Warning
Visit for the most up to date information on COVID-19 Download
by KKB | Mar 11, 2020 | News, Events, Education, Band Membership, Language, Capacity Development, Community Meetings, Band Member Meetings, Culture, Youth, Elders, Community Notice, Family, Students, Community, News Feed, Calendar
POSTPONED: Kick-off Meeting & Dinner – March 26, 2020