Emergency Management

by | Jun 16, 2022

Our Mission Statement

Kitsumkalum Emergency Management Department is committed to bringing safety and stability to emergency incidents within Kitsumkalum community through care and compassion.

Joel Brousson

Emergency Program Coordinator

Kitsumkalum Band

Terrace, B.C.

P: 250.631.9511   E: jbrousson @ kitsumkalum.com

Desire to Serve, Ability to Perform, Courage to Act

Emergency Management News & Postings

Kitsumkalum Pandemic Response and Planning Overview May 2020

Kitsumkalum Pandemic Response and Planning Overview May 2020

What has been done: Following the BC declaration of a State of Emergency, the Kitsumkalum Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) was activated on March 23rd to monitor the pandemic and coordinate communication, response, and planning Kitsumkalum buildings and businesses...

Emergency Programs Update – May 1, 2020

Emergency Programs Update – May 1, 2020

Dear Kitsumkalum community, I am pleased to report that in the 6 weeks since BC declared a State of Emergency, we have successfully answered the Chief Medical Officers’ call to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The number of new cases in BC is leveling off and the rate...

Links & Resources Updated Weekly

Health Organizations: First Nations Health Authority: www.fnha.ca World Health Organization: www.who.int Northern Health: www.northernhealth.ca HealthLink BC: www.healthlinkbc.ca Canadian Government: www.canada.ca BC Provincial Health Services Authority: www.bccdc.ca...

Not Everyone is Eligible for CERB

Not everyone is eligible for CERB and MAY have to repay benefits at a later date through other Government of Canada benefits  such as Income Tax Refund, GST, etc. It is your responsibility to review the eligibility criteria online as you apply. Please review the...

Resources for All BC First Nation Individuals – Updated April 23, 2020

Resources for All BC First Nation Individuals – Updated April 23, 2020

The resources and benefits listed below are available directly from the federal or provincial governments and organizations. You are eligible to receive or apply for these benefits regardless of if you have Status or not, and whether you live and/or work on or...