Kitsumkalum Emergency Programs Update – May 15th

Kitsumkalum Emergency Programs Update – May 15th

Good afternoon all, The recently announced staged plan to re-open the Province is a welcome sign that BC is slowly winning the fight against Covid-19; however, we are not in the clear yet and must remain diligent to prevent a second wave of infections in BC. The plan...
Kitsumkalum Emergency Programs Update – May 15th

Kitsumkalum Pandemic Response and Planning Overview May 2020

What has been done: Following the BC declaration of a State of Emergency, the Kitsumkalum Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) was activated on March 23rd to monitor the pandemic and coordinate communication, response, and planning Kitsumkalum buildings and businesses...
Kitsumkalum Emergency Programs Update – May 15th

Emergency Programs Update – May 1, 2020

Dear Kitsumkalum community, I am pleased to report that in the 6 weeks since BC declared a State of Emergency, we have successfully answered the Chief Medical Officers’ call to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The number of new cases in BC is leveling off and the rate...