Learn about the Fire Danger Rating: here
Learn about the Northwest Fire Danger Class Report: here
Wednesday July 10 2024, a cold front is forecast to sweep across northern B.C., generating strong winds, thunderstorms and the potential for dry lightning. With recent hot, dry weather, new wildfire starts are anticipated, particularly in northern regions.
Although southern portions of B.C. will be less impacted by this weather event, the Southern and Central Interior may experience increased winds and isolated dry lightning.
We are prepared to respond to new wildfires and increased wildfire activity. With the potential for aggressive fire behaviour and high rates of spread during these weather conditions, we ask everyone to pay attention to local updates and alerts in your area, stay up to date on the current wildfire situation and check for bans and restrictions in your area.
For more information on this upcoming weather event, visit: https://blog.gov.bc.ca/…/current-and-forecast-weather…/
For up-to-date information on the current wildfire situation, visit: https://wildfiresituation.nrs.gov.bc.ca/map
For up-to-date information on fire bans and restrictions in your area, visit: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/…/pre…/fire-bans-and-restrictions