Departments and programs
Community Planning
The Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) project focuses on the longer term planning and bigger picture thinking that is global in nature and identifies long-term vision, values, principles, criteria, indicators, and benchmarks.

About Kitsumkalum Comprehensive
Community Plan (CCP)
What will a Comprehensive Community Plan do?
- Assists Chief, Council and our members in evaluating proposed developments to ensure that they are consistent with the vision and objectives of our members as expressed in this plan;
- Provides direction on growth over the next 10 – 15 years;
- Is a tool to help guide our decisions now and in the future to develop and protect our lands in a way that reflects our environmental, spiritual, social and economic values
- Reflects our decisions about what types of uses we want to allow on our lands and where we want to allow them;
- Sets out an Implementation Strategy to ensure that the directions set out by the Plan are achieved;
- Achieve a Community Vision, reflective of Kitsumkalum collective values
Goals for Economy
“Community members will be supported to start their own businesses”
Goals for our Culture
“Community members of all generations will have a good knowledge of how to harvest and prepare traditional foods”
Goals for Governance
“Leadership and administration will have strong budgeting, financial and management processes, with well trained staff”
Goals for Education
“Community members will be encouraged and celebrated for their academic successes”
Goals for Health
“Community members will have access to recreation opportunities”
Goals for Infrastructure & Housing
“Our community will have excellent places to gather and play”
Goals for Social
“Community members will have opportunities to improve their life skills”
Goals for Lands and Resources
“Community members will have access to our traditional territories for cultural and social purposes”
Draft community vision
Kitsumkalum has a strong culture, which we will keep alive throughout all of the generations. We are a self-sufficient and prosperous nation, with well-educated and successful community members.
We prize our good health, and take good care of our elders. We also take care of our land, as it has taken care of us since time immemorial.
We are proud to live in a community that is safe, accessible and beautiful. We have good leaders and staff, and together we use the strength of our past to lead us to a successful future.
What’s in a Comprehensive Community Plan?
Kitsumkalum’s Comprehensive Community Plan will cover a broad spectrum of topics: the use of resource lands, protection of culturally-significant areas, identification of economic development zones, and plans for housing . The Plan takes a short-to mid-range view (5 – 15 years) on land development, land protection, and growth and change in our community, working hand in hand with Land Use Planning to avoid overlapping efforts.
Along with lands and resources, the Comprehensive community plan will also cover goals, objectives, and activities for health, infrastructure development, culture, social, education,
economy and governance.
How CCP Works with Departments
About CCP Goals
Cultural Evening and Dinner October 11
by KKCommunications | Oct 3, 2018 | News, Events, Culture, Community Dinner, Community Notice, Opportunity, Art, CCP, Family, Community, News Feed, Calendar, Entertainment
Kitsumkalum Community members invited to the Comprehensive Community Planning's Cultural Night - October 11th, 2018, 6-8pm
CCP Community Dinner Meeting March 28, 2017
by KKB | Mar 13, 2017 | News, Events, Capacity Development, Youth, Community Dinner, Community Notice, Opportunity, CCP
CCP Open House Invitation: March 16, 2017
by KKB | Feb 15, 2017 | News, Events, Capacity Development, Community Meetings, Community Dinner, Community Notice, Opportunity, CCP