A bear has been spotted on GILA GUAW this afternoon – Friday, April 8th. If you are smoking oolichans please be mindful that the bears are now coming out of hibernation and looking for food. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Please also keep your...
The road crew is progressing well along Kalum Road West and will likely reach the Gyiik road intersection by the end of the week. Flaggers remain on either end of the working zone and construction is accommodating driveways at the end of each day to ensure vehicles...
The Youth Empowerment Program is inviting you to join a night of meaningful conversation about the program and family services provided by NIFCS. Dinner provided. 18 Gift Cards will be raffled for attendees! Check it out at the brand new Kitsumkalum Lighthouse near...
A large grizzly was seen this morning – Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 – on WEST KALUM ROAD. Please be aware of your surroundings in the community. Report any wildlife sightings to RAPP 1-877-952-7277 and Kitsumkalum Fish & Wildlife Enforcement...
REGISTER FOR THE 2022 KITSUMKALUM AGM FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW TO REGISTER FOR THE AGM. 2022 Kitsumkalum AGM Registration All Kitsumkalum band members and spouses on and off-reserve can register for the 2022 Kitsumkalum AGM. By registering you are automatically entered...
Please be advised that construction has started on Kwinitsa Road this morning. Heavy equipment will be working on this road with access only to local traffic through Gyiik Road. Flaggers are stationed to assist in directing traffic on either side of the working zone....