The Kitsumkalum Community is invited to the film screening to watch the AMAZING films that are made throughout the week. The film festival: On Friday, May 12th we would like to invite the whole community (including elders, leaders, family members) to watch the films...
Reminder to be mindful of the changing river conditions and safety precautions. Rivers have been steadily rising over the past week due to snowmelt from the recent warm weather and smaller creeks in the region have reached 2-year return flows. Quicker rises may occur...
The Kitimat Airshed Group is a local non-profit organization focused on air quality data, education, and programs. The group is pleased to announce that the Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program (CWSRP) is open for applications on KAG’s website. The...
The Kitsumkalum Health Centre invites you to stop by and create your own Ribbon Skirt for the next “Pink Shirt Day” and the upcoming “Orange Shirt Day” ! Location: The Kitsumkalum Health CentreWhen: May 1st-12th 2023 *TIME CHANGE*...
Wednesday May 24th at the Best Western Inn The Kitsumkalum Treaty Office will be hosting a community member meeting from 5pm-9pm Presented by The Kitsumkalum Treaty OfficeKitsumkalum Community Meeting on GovernanceWednesday, May 24th 20235pm till 9pm Terrace Best...
The Kitsumkalum Treaty Office presents KITSUMKALUM TRADITIONAL LAND TOUR The Treaty Team is starting to organize the Land Tours, please contact us to get on the list today!Stay tuned for finalized dates!