Kalum Road:
- Base course placement along Kalum road from the pavement edge near the Tempo Gas Station up to Stn. 5+600.
- Heavy equipment will continue work along Kalum road.
o Single lane traffic expected in the morning (Phase 1 of traffic interruptions) as the road crew completes the base work from the pavement by the Tempo Gas Station up to the forestry road intersection.
o Once past the intersection, detours will be in place to route traffic around the work areas (Phase 2). - Traffic to follow the flag people’s direction. Please be courteous and respectful as we complete the next stage of the road construction.
Community Hall Parking Lot:
- The parking lot for the Community Hall will be closed starting next week, April 25, 2022, for subgrade preparation.
- The north access and the area by the future school location will remain available on Monday as an access point and for parking.
Underground Utilities:
- Continued work on the Sanitary tie ins at Stn. 2+400;
o Crews will be working on either side of the road (in front of the water treatment plant and across the road) to complete the final sanitary tie ins – no sanitary service interruptions are anticipated.
o Crews have been reminded to stop equipment when children are being picked up/dropped off by the bus.
Heavy Equipment Use:
- There are reports of the contractor’s equipment being used on the weekends. This equipment is the contractor’s property and responsibility, if any equipment needs to be moved, please contact either below to have it moved:Christa Bergeron – Associated Engineering – (780) 883-0589
Darcy Budiselich – Progressive Ventures Construction – (250) 641-7433