Kalum Road:
- There will be a single lane open over the final section of road to be prepared and subbase placed with heavy equipment travelling in this section, traffic are to watch for flaggers and follow their direction.
- Compaction testing will also be occurring along Kalum Road, please be mindful of workers on the road.
Community Hall Parking Lot:
- The parking lot will be closed starting next week for subgrade preparation.
- The north access and the area by the future school location will remain available as an access point and for parking.
Underground Utilities:
- One crew will be working on the AC waterline abandonment in the morning.
- This crew will then move to Stn. 2+400 (at the Water Treatment Plant) in the afternoon to expose the sanitary manhole in this location – there will be no service interruptions.
- The crew has been reminded of children in the area and the school bus pick up location and heavy equipment will be paused from 8am to 8:15am (or until children are picked up) and again around 3pm for the bus drop off.
- A second crew will be heading to Stn. 1+520 to replace a fire hydrant in this area (along Spokeshute Road).
Upcoming Underground Utilities:
- The sanitary crew plans to be at Stn. 2+400 (across the road from the water treatment plant) starting tomorrow for the sanitary tie in – no sanitary service interruptions are anticipated.
For any issues or concerns please contact either:
Christa Bergeron – Associated Engineering – (780) 883-0589
Darcy Budiselich – Progressive Ventures Construction – (250) 641-7433