Brought to you by the Kitsumkalum Lands Committee
Kitsumkalum Spring Clean-Up Contest
May 1st-31st, 2023
• Yards are judged based on the most significant yard improvements.
• Judging will be based on “before” & “after” photos showing the transformation.
• A pressure washer can be made available to households upon request.
• You must register to participate! Register on the following page.
Top Prizes:
1st – $500 cash
2nd – pressure washer
3rd – compost bin
Contest Rules
- Participants must register to participate and qualify for prizes. Register below.
- There will be three winners selected proving the most dramatic yard clean.
- All entries must provide a “before” and “after” photo.
- The top 3 winners will be announced in June.
- Consolation prizes will be awarded for all who entered.
- All entries must agree to have their “before” and “after” pictures posted on Kitsumkalum
website and newsletter. - Remember to sort items:
o Garbage goes to the Thornhill Transfer Station 3016 Old Lakelse Lake Dr,
o Recycling goes to “Do Your Part” Recycling 3467 Highway 16,
o Organics goes to the Thornhill Transfer Station - Contact us if you want to participate but aren’t physically able to. We may be able to help.
Also, contact us if you need assistance with bulkier items.
Complete your registration by emailing, texting, or hand delivering this form with your “before” photo to:
Mag de Grace at the Kitsumkalum Economic Development Building
• Email: land.planner@kitsumkalum.com
• Text: 250.641.5339
There will be a garbage bin in the community May 1st– 31st as we work towards our community Spring Clean.
Bin Location: gravel spur road at the corner where West Kalum Road turns into Spokeshute Road.
Bin Hours: Business Hours only! Monday – Friday 9am –4pm.
Bin Rules:
o NO hazardous waste
o NO appliances
o NO tires on rims
Pick Up:
For bulky items (such as furniture, mattresses etc.) there will be two scheduled picks:
- Wednesday, May 17th, and
- Saturday, May 27th
Items need to be neatly stacked at the end of your driveway for pick up.
Please phone Mag de Grace at 250.641.5339 if you have any questions.