Emergency Management

Our Mission Statement
Kitsumkalum Emergency Management Department is committed to bringing safety and stability to emergency incidents within Kitsumkalum community through care and compassion.
Liam Nutma
Emergency Program Coordinator
Kitsumkalum Band
Terrace, B.C.
P: 250.631.9511 E: lnutma @ kitsumkalum.com
Desire to Serve, Ability to Perform, Courage to Act
Emergency Management News & Postings
News Release: Pontoon Creek Wildfire Update
For Immediate ReleaseJuly 16, 2024Pontoon Creek Wildfire Information - UpdateAs of 3:46 p.m. on July 16, 2024, Kitsumkalum Band and the RDKS were informed by BC Wildfire Service that the Pontoon Creek Wildfire #R50969, located near the south end of Kitsumkalum Lake,...
Kitsumkalum Wildland Fire Fighter Training
We are excited to announce that Kitsumkalum Emergency Services will be hosting a Type Two Wildland Firefighter Training from July 13th to 19th. The training will run daily from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This training is a valuable opportunity for community members and...
Kitsumkalum RV Park and Boat Launch Closure
On June 14th 14:27 PM there was an incident with a large branch falling from a tree. Because this tree(and possibly other branches) still poses a risk to the public and staff the area will be closed off. As soon as the park is deemed safe by a qualified individual the...
Kitsumkalum Fire Smart Day
Fire Smart Event On May 1st EPC Nutma will be in the community assessing fire smart homes from 10AM to 12 PM From 12PM -2PM EPC Nutma will be at the gazebo behind the health unit to answer any of your concerns or questions regarding Fire Smarting Residential...
Kitsumkalum Community Campfire Restriction Lifted
September 13, 2023Re: Campfire Restriction LiftedKitsumkalum Community Effective immediately, there is no restrictions for campfires within Kitsumkalum community. Thank you for your cooperation and support as we navigated hot weather patterns this summer. Joel...
Fire Ban Lifted
Kitsumkalum, Effective immediately, the fire ban for Kitsumkalum Community has been lifted. Thank you for your patience and support during the past few weeks. As always, please have a garden hose or bucket of water present when having fire within a...