Cougar Sighting in Kitsumkalum – Take Caution
Be aware that there has been a cougar sighting at 3575 Spokeshute Street (behind Shihan’s house) on August 8, 2017 in Kitsumkalum. Please exercise caution and due diligence when in the area and take steps to protect children & pets. If you see the cougar,...
Fish Distribution – Kitsumkalum Members
Good morning Kitsumkalum members, Fish will be ready for pick up TODAY @ 2:00 PM at the Kitsumkalum Boat Launch. Deliveries to elders will happen today around the same time. Don’t worry if you miss this catch due to working at the BBQ / Riverboat days activities, the...
Sockeye Directed FSC Fishery is Now Open on the Kitsumkalum and Skeena Rivers
Effective immediately the Sockeye directed food, social, and ceremonial (FSC) gillnet fishery is now open on the Skeena River. Fishing for sockeye is still closed for recreational fishers. Run size estimates as of August 1, 2017 have indicated a total return of...
Kitsumkalum’s Updated Fishing Plan
Kitsumkalum requests cooperation from sports fishermen for short term voluntary closure to a small portion of the Skeena River. Sport fishers can be back on those sections of the river on days when we are not there (i.e. Thursday to Saturday). This is important that...