Call for Cultural Dance Groups
Celebrate Kitsumkalum’s Heritage with the 30th Anniversary of Su-Sit-Aatk All cultural dance groups are invited to attend and perform. Please contact Christina at 250-635-6177 ext 115 or csamstanley@kitsumkalum.bc.ca Celebration: FRIDAY, AUGUST 11th, 2017 5:00PM...
July & August Schedule Curbside Pick-Up
Organics are picked up every week, and garbage & recycling alternate bi-weekly. Bins are to be out by 8:00 am on pick-up days. Download July – August...
Michelle Pockey Leadership Award
The award will give first priority to an Indigenous woman, a single mother, or a woman facing economic hardship. Second priority will be given to a woman pursuing law, justice, Indigenous, or environmental studies. The award is intended to support her tuition,...