JOB OPPORTUNITY (8 positions) in Forests, Lands & Naturual Resource Operations – Regional Operations – Closing July 21, 201
Integrated Investment Specialist Permanent Opportunity, Regional Operations (Eight positions – one in each Region) STO 27 / LSO 3 The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is seeking eight highly organized, motivated people to step into the brand...
Please Respect Our Playground
We need your help keeping our playground clean and safe! Please do not bring food, drinks, cigarettes, or pets into our play yard!
BCAFN Women’s Dialogue Draft Declaration and Questionnaire – Feedback by July 13, 2017
The BCAFN Women’s Dialogue Session (WDS) was held on March 16 & 17, 2017 at the Musqueam Cultural Centre in Vancouver, BC. If you were able to attend, please complete this questionnaire and email to selene.peters@bcafn.ca by July 13th, 2017. BCAFN has begun...