Call for Applications – 2018 Art Scholarship Awards
YVR Art Foundation is now accepting applications from BC and Yukon First Nations artists for the 2018 Youth and Mid-Career Art Scholarships Each Scholarship Award is for $5,000. Up to seven Youth Art Scholarships and up to three Mid-Career Artist Scholarships will be...
Kid’s Christmas Party Dec. 16
Have a new baby or just moved to the community? Ensure your child is on Santa’s list by emailing kitsumkalumeventscommittee@gmail.com Must be present to receive a present.
Call for Youth 19-29 to be Mentor/ volunteer Meet Nov. 28
Youth ages 18-29 are also invited to attend a volunteer/mentor meeting on Tuesday, November 28th from 5-7pm at the Kitsumkalum Hall Mezzanine. All those interested are encouraged to come out and listen, no commitment necessary. On December 5th, 2017 from 5-7pm...