The Community Hall and Water Treatment Plant paving are completed and ready for use.
Due to the rain, there is no paving scheduled for today or tomorrow.
The paving crew will review conditions on Sunday. The paving crew are hoping to schedule paving the second lift by the Tempo Gas Station on a Sunday morning to minimize traffic interruptions.
Road Base:
The grader and packer will continue working along Kalum Road today with flaggers stationed either side of the work zone. Grave tie in work is also expected to be completed at Ecstall and Kalum Road intersection.
Please be mindful of crew and equipment on roadway and follow direction given by the flaggers.
Community Hall Parking Lot:
An excavator will be working along the north side of the Community Hall Parking Lot and establishing a walkway path.
Next Week:
A crew will be working in the Band Office Parking Lot to complete repairs where the existing asphalt has alligator cracking. Paving crews will start work on the second asphalt lift starting on Spokeshute Road (weather dependant), this will be reconfirmed on Monday. Gravel base course will be placed and compacted along the concrete sidewalk on Kalum Road.
For any concerns or issues, please reach out to either contact below:
Christa Bergeron – Associated Engineering – (780) 883-0589
Darcy Budiselich – Progressive Ventures Construction – (250) 641-7433