Due to the rain, the paving crew is planning to start later this morning. If the weather clears, they will continue work on completing the paving in the Community Hall Parking Lot, then move to complete the Water Treatment Plant parking lot.
The second lift of paving may start tomorrow depending on weather and progress today. Paving crews would start at the Spokeshute Road and Highway 16 intersection and make their way towards the Daycare. Single lane traffic is anticipated, an update will be sent tomorrow with more details.
Structures in Roadway:
A small crew will be working on raising valves and manholes in the pavement along Spokeshute and West Kalum Road this morning. Construction signs and delineators will be in place, please be mindful of workers on road and pass with care.
The structures will be raised by 40mm in preparation for the second lift of asphalt, delineators will mark these, local traffic to be mindful when travelling in community as these will remain raised until paving can be completed.
Road Base:
The crew will start work on Kwinitsa Road placing and compacting the final lift of gravel. Flaggers will be stationed either side of the work zones during this work.
The crews are also expected to start milling asphalt on Ecstall Road for the upcoming paving tie in.
Please be mindful of crew and equipment on roadway, follow the direction of flaggers and pass with care.
For any concerns or issues, please reach out to either contact below:
Christa Bergeron – Associated Engineering – (780) 883-0589
Darcy Budiselich – Progressive Ventures Construction – (250) 641-7433