
A grizzly bear has been spotted in the area, please be aware of your surroundings and ask your children to take precautions when outside.

Maintaining a clean and safe community requires that organic and garbage bags be kept inside until the morning of collection and disposed of properly. Bins should be emptied and cleaned immediately after use.

Report potentially dangerous wildlife-human interactions immediately to ensure timely and appropriate action. A record will be kept to document the necessary steps taken to address the issue. Without a report, RAPP remains unaware of the situation.

BC Government’s Report all Poachers and Polluters:
1-877-952-7277 (RAPP)
7277 on the TELUS Mobility Network
Online: forms.gov.bc.ca/environment/rapp/
Search up; “BC RAPP” and click on the “Report all Poachers and Polluters” you will then be directed to the form to fill out.

Kitsumkalum Fish & Wildlife Conservation:
Jim Webb 250-641-9798