Indigenous Policing Services is looking for inspired people to form a Community Consultative Group (CCG).
What is a CCG?
The primary purpose of a CCG is to provide a dedicated liaison role between the community and the RCMP. It is critical to building relationships, creating effective lines of communication, developing policing priorities as well as assisting the community to address its issues and concerns related to policing and community safety.
Who will be included in the CCG?
The CCG will be comprised of (a maximum) of 5 members with a range of backgrounds and expertise. Everyone of all ages is welcome to apply.
What will I be committing to?
– Success candidates will be appointed to the CCG for a period of 1 year.
– The CCG will meet quarterly.
What qualifications are required?
The most desirable attribute of a CCG member is to have an interest in community safety and be willing to commit one’s time to attend meetings.
How do I indicate my interest?
Interested individuals should contact Cst. Angela RABUT at 250-615-9317 or a(d0t)rabut(at)rcmp-grc(d0t)gc(d0t)ca
Deadline is June 30, 2022