A bear has been spotted in the surrounding area. Please be aware if you’re walking in Kitsumkalum.

Report all Kitsumkalum community bear sightings right away to the “Report All Poachers and Polluters Conservation Officer 24-Hr Hotline” at 1-877-952-7277 or #7277 on the TELUS Mobility Network

The conservation office will then have a record of all bear sightings reported for this area. The reported information can be used to plan for future use of bear traps or other methods to control bear activity within Kitsumkalum.

You can also call Kitsumkalum Fish & Wildlife:
Jim Webb 250-641-9798
Mandi Campbell 250-641-2023

How can you help ensure bears don’t get habituated to our residential areas?

  • Keep organics in a secure organics bin. Store in an enclosed and secure area until collection day. Keep garbage bins free of organics.
  • Bring your bins back from curb after collection. Rinse periodically.
  • Clean your BBQ after each use.
  • Manage fruit trees by picking ripe fruit.
  • Keep pet food indoors.
  • Keep your smokehouses clean and dispose of fish waste properly.

What to do in a bear encounter

  • If you see a bear, stop where you are and stay calm. Never run away. Observe the bear’s behavior to decide on your next move.
  • If the bear has not noticed you, leave the area quietly. Go back the way you came while keeping an eye on them. Do not make eye contact, carry bear spray and get ready to use it.
  • If the bear becomes agitated, makes noises, or seems aggressive, continue backing away slowly and talking softly. Do not run away.