If You Have Been Evacuated:

Evacuees please register with ESS:

Steps to get food and shelter covered via the ESS program.

1) You must be an official evacuee. This means you are told to leave via an ‘evacuation order.’ You do not qualify if you’re only on ‘evacuation alert.’

2) If you’re an evacuee, you simply register at the reception centres, as follows:
Regional District Office – 4545 Lazelle Avenue – 250.641.2443

Smithers Christian Reformed Church – 4035 Walnut Drive – 250.847.2333

3) Once registered, you will be given shelter – this may be hotel, billet with family(family will be paid for extra cost), or camping etc. You will be given food support via Safeway or other contract partners.

4) This program will help throughout the recovery of the event, which means they will do this for a few years, whatever ‘recovery’ takes in terms of time.

In summary, yes, evacuees are provided food & shelter until the incident is mitigated.

Visit RDKS website for more information about Emergency Support Services

PreparedBC has a wealth of tips and information on preparing yourself, your family, business and community should a disaster arise.

Telegraph Creek Evacuee Information Download