Arrangements for Laura Grandison
Sunrise – October 10, 1947
Sunset – August 11, 2023
Memorial Service
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Nisga’a Hall – 860 3rd Ave W, Prince Rupert B.C. Refreshments to follow – food donations are welcome
Funeral Service
Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 11:00 AM
Prince Rupert Cemetery followed by a potluck dinner at Nisga’a Hall – 860 3rd Ave W, Prince Rupert B.C.
Monetary Donations can be sent to Heather Bohn:
**The Kitsumkalum Treaty Office will be offering its bus to drive people from Kitsumkalum to Prince Rupert for the services. Please contact Wayne Bolton at the Band Office (250.635.6177) to be added to the list. **