>>> View Official Postings from our Electoral Officer : https://www.onefeather.ca/nations/kitsumkalum

>> To DOWNLOAD copies go to: https://www.onefeather.ca/nations/kitsumkalum

Please go to that website to view latest updates and postings. Please note this list may change over the next few days as people withdraw.

If there are any spelling mistakes, people are welcome to point them out, and they will be corrected.

All questions are to be directed to:

Kitsumkalum Electoral Officers, One Feather:

Nicole Hajash, Electoral Officer
Email: nicole@onefeather.ca
Office: (250) 384-8200

Drew Shaw, Electoral Officer
Email: drew@onefeather.ca
Office: (250) 384-8200

Toll Free: (1855) 458-5888

Fax: (250) 384-5416

209-852 Fort Street, Victoria, B.C., V8W 1H8




All nominees have until 5:00 PM on 17 January to complete and submit a Withdraw
Form, should they desire to do so, to the Electoral Officer (address below). After that
point, all names will be considered final, and ballots will be printed and mailed to all
off-reserve members for whom a current mailing address is available.


All forms can be found and downloaded from: https://onefeather.ca/nations/kitsumkalum