Five full scholarships have been funded by DFO for Indigenous Canadians to attend the IOI-Canada Ocean Governance Training Program this Summer (May 23 to July 20) at Dalhouise University. A brief flyer is attached which outlines the  8-week Program. For details please view the IOI-Canada website ( and in particular the Training Section, including the 2017 Course Report:  .The 2018 Course will be structured similarly.

Application forms can be downloaded from the Training Section of IOI-Canada’s website ( or requested from: Madeleine Coffen-Smout, Programme Officer (

It is essential that the selection process be completed by the end of March, so interested candidates are urged to send in their applications as soon as possible. For further information, please contact Mike Butler at the address below.

Thank you.

Michael J.A.Butler, Director

International Ocean Institute-Canada
Dalhousie University
6414 Coburg Road, Halifax
Nova Scotia, B3H 4R2
Tel: 902-494-1977
Fax: 902-494-1334