Theft is not PETTY Crime

North District RCMP have made theft a priority for 2016.

Theft is considered by some people to be petty crime, that perception is wrong! Theft costs all of us. Stores have to raise their prices to cover losses by theft. Communities have to take funding away from needed programs to replace stolen items. As individuals, we all work hard for our possessions, and no one has the right to steal them from us.

The Criminal Code breaks theft down into two categories, items valued over $5000 and items valued under $5000. Both categories are Criminal Code offences. An individual convicted of theft will have a criminal record. A theft conviction will show up on criminal record checks when applying for jobs. Individuals with criminal records may be refused entry into other countries, limiting travel options. Those are not petty consequences.

We need to encourage our youth not to commit theft, property damage, drug possession and other crimes which are considered by some to be victimless. We all want the next generation to have every opportunity possible, and not be hindered by the limitations of being in and out of the courts.

Thank you,
Cst. Josh MCNUTT, Regimental # 60328 First Nations Community Policing Terrace RCMP