Kitsumkalum Residents,
Kitsumkalum Emergency Management Department (KEMD) is actively working towards improved safety and well-being of all within our community. As we have arrived in 2023, KEMD has a few reminders:
- If you are still in need of a fire extinguisher or smoke/CO2 alarm, please advise by emailing Additionally, please check the functionality of your alarm systems monthly. These devices proactively checked can save lives.
- This year, KEMD will be ensuring our community is fire smarted as best possible. What this means, is that your home will be evaluated, with recommendations given to ensure fire resistive measures are in place. Examples of this are the following:
a. Gutters clean
b. Chimneys clean (to avoid chimney fire)
c. Garbage/clutter cleared from around your home
d. Overgrown trees or shrubs trimmed
e. Home access and egress are clear and accessible - Each home, in December of 2022, received an evacuation plan in case of emergency. Please continue to remind/educate your children and elders so that we are unified in our response to any possible emergencies. Please ensure the evacuation plan is in a visible place to serve as a reminder when needed.
Joel Brousson
Emergency Program Coordinator
Kitsumkalum Band, Terrace B.C.
C: 250.631.9511