July 12, 2024
RE: Dumping Fish Guts in Garbage
Please do not dump fish or fish waste in garbage bins. The decomposing fish and fish waste will attract wildlife, such as bears, wolves, and other predators.
It has come to our attention that there has been fish waste disposed in the garbage bins on Kalum Reserve. These observations were on the West Kalum Road. The dumping of fish and fish waste on land close to the reserve, can attract wildlife to the reserve. It is also illegal to dump garbage in a non-designated land fill sites.
You may dump your fish and fish waste in the river, with-out plastics, or containers of any type.
If you observe illegal dumping of garbage, report to:
RAPP (Report all poachers and Polluters). 1-877-952-7277
Thank you,
Kitsumkalum Band Council