Community Land Use Plan

The Kitsumkalum

Land Use Plan

Crafted with input from the community, departmental staff and leadership to create a shared vision for community development initiatives.

The Kitsumkalum Community Land Use Plan provides a framework for land use and development in our community.

It is informed and guided by both our Comprehensive Community Plan (draft) and Treaty Land Use Plan. It has had input from the community, departmental staff and leadership creating a shared vision for community development initiatives.


Protect cultural resources, Improve housing choice, Environmental protection and stewardship, Transportation, Economic development, Sufficient servicing and infrastructure, Improve/expand community facilities.


The Community Land Use Plan will create policy statements for how land can be used in different areas of the community for both development and protection. The plan will contain a set of maps and documents recording the vision of the community.


A review of past and current planning work and community development initiatives has identified several issues the Kitsumkalum Community Land Use Plan will likely need to address and consider with the community.


This project is primarily focused on three of Kitsumkalum’s four reserves: Kitsumkalum Village,  Dałk Gyilakyaw (also commonly known as “Robin Town”), and Zimacord. Spokeshute (Port Essington).

Land Management Committee

A dedicated group, that are devoted to how our lands and resources should be used, managed, and conserved to meet the needs and values of our community.

In 2017, we established our committee to guide land code development and land use planing. Currently, the committee is made up of eight community members interested in land and resource management, and will play a vital role in the creation and implementation of our community land use place. Based on a set of guiding principles for land resource management on Kitsumkalum receiver lands, which will inform how we approach this project.

Troy Sam

Land Management Committee

Alyson Watt

Land Management Committee

Nicole Wallace

Land Management Committee

Rina Gemeinhardt

Land Management Committee

Yvonne Wesley

Land Management Committee

Charlene Webb

Land Management Committee

Jeanette Spalding

Land Management Committee

Allan Bolton

Lisa Wesley

Wayne Bolton

Troy Sam

Troy joined the Land Management Committee to help the community transition towards a self-sustaining and self-governing role in land and resource management. He hopes to see Kitsumkalum align with other communities that are successfully operating under their own Land Code. Troy is an advocate for sustainable and responsible land and resource management, especially when it comes to the forests!

Alyson Watt

Nicole Wallace

Rina Gemeinhardt

Yvonne Wesley

Charlene Webb

Hello, my name is Charlene Webb, as a band member I signed up to be part of the Land Code Committee because I want to be part of the “Change” and the first step starts with each of us. I see the benefit of Land Code and feel this is a step in the right direction for Kitsumkalum. Having our own land code will empower Kitsumkalum Band Members to have a say in how we govern the Reserve lands. I look forward to hearing from the membership on what you would like to see in our Land Code. At the end of the day we all want to protect the Land, Air, Water & Animals. Thank you.

Jeanette Spalding

Allan Bolton

Allan joined to support with mapping and planning components. He assisted with the Treaty Office’s Land Use Planning process and looks forward to planning for the reserve areas. Allan is an advocate for land and resource management that ensures the continuation of his favourite past times - fishing, boating and getting out on the ATV!

Lisa Wesley

Lisa joined the Land Management Committee to experience and investigate land management systems outside of the current Indian Act system. She sees limitations in dealing with INAC for day to day land administration. She looks forward to the multi-staged process of developing a Land Code and ensuring community involvement at each step. A favourite past time of Lisa’s is processing traditional foods, so she embraces land management that maintains access to traditional food sources.

Wayne Bolton